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Article summary:

1. A woman in Hangzhou posted online about seeing a hospital worker watching TV dramas on their phone while working at the window.

2. The hospital responded that it was inappropriate and that they would investigate and take appropriate action if necessary.

3. Netizens had mixed opinions on the incident, with some saying it was wrong to watch TV during work hours, especially in a hospital setting, while others said it was okay as long as it didn't affect their work.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides an accurate account of the incident and includes quotes from both the woman who reported the incident and the hospital staff responding to it. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with this behavior, such as incorrect medication being dispensed or other medical errors due to distraction. Additionally, while both sides of the argument are presented, there is a slight bias towards those who think watching TV during work hours is wrong; this could be seen as one-sided reporting. Furthermore, there is no evidence provided for any of the claims made in the article; for example, there is no evidence that this kind of behavior is common among hospital workers or that people often use their phones to “slack off” during work hours. Finally, there is also promotional content in the article; for example, by asking readers what their opinion on this matter is at the end of the article. In conclusion, while overall reliable and trustworthy, this article does have some potential biases which should be taken into consideration when reading it.