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Article summary:

1. Hippocampus-dependent memories are critical for autobiographical or episodic memories, and the hippocampus plays a crucial role in their formation.

2. Recent evidence suggests that even infants can form long-lasting memories, but the molecular pathways and network-based activity dynamics differ from those in adults.

3. The mechanisms underlying the formation of hippocampus-dependent memories during infancy and the role of experience in promoting their maturation remain to be understood. This review discusses recent advances in understanding the ontogeny and biological correlates of these memories.

Article analysis:



1. 片面报道:该文章只涵盖了关于海马依赖性记忆发育方面的最新进展,没有探讨其他可能影响婴儿学习和记忆的因素。

2. 缺失的考虑点:文章没有探讨海马依赖性记忆发育的可能风险或负面影响,例如早期应激对海马发育的影响。

3. 偏袒:文章没有平等地呈现双方观点,而是更倾向于支持婴儿能够形成类似于成年人所处理的海马依赖性记忆的观点。

4. 未探索的反驳:文章没有探讨可能与其结论相矛盾的其他研究结果或观点。
