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Article summary:

1. Mike Hourigan is the founder and CEO of Horizon Controls Group, a digital process automation company.

2. Gemma Doyle is the Chief Operations Officer and Helen Nason is the Chief Financial Officer.

3. Bryce Stewart, Alex Maliavin, and Hong Li are also directors at Horizon Controls Group with expertise in automation engineering, sales, and data science respectively.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable as it provides detailed information about the leadership team of Horizon Controls Group. The article includes biographical information about each leader which gives readers an insight into their professional backgrounds and interests outside of work. The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting as it presents all sides equally without promoting any particular point of view or agenda. Furthermore, there are no unsupported claims or missing points of consideration as all claims made are supported by evidence from the leaders' biographies. Additionally, there are no unexplored counterarguments or partiality as all sides are presented fairly without favouring any particular point of view. Finally, possible risks are noted as the article mentions that Mike Hourigan acts as a board member for a technology organization and non-profits which could potentially present conflicts of interest in his role at Horizon Controls Group.