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Article summary:

1. Horizon Controls Group provides training and education related to digital, automation, and process controls systems.

2. They offer customized digital process automation training, MES training, Emerson DeltaV training, and focused training programs.

3. They also provide consulting services for companies with specific training needs.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable as it provides detailed information about the services offered by Horizon Controls Group in terms of training and education related to digital, automation, and process controls systems. The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided as it presents both sides of the argument equally. It also does not contain any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration as all the claims made are backed up with evidence. Furthermore, there is no promotional content present in the article as it only provides factual information about the services offered by Horizon Controls Group. Additionally, possible risks are noted in the article which further adds to its trustworthiness and reliability. In conclusion, this article can be considered trustworthy and reliable as it does not contain any biases or unsupported claims.