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Article summary:

1. Brad and Kelley of Full Spectrum Survival are asking for support from their viewers to help them continue their work.

2. They offer exclusive content and waterproof physical survival cards at the $10 level for Patreon members.

3. Brad, Kelley, and Full Spectrum Survival thank their Patreon members for making their outreach possible.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable in terms of its content as it is clear that Brad and Kelley are asking for support from their viewers to help them continue their work, offering exclusive content and waterproof physical survival cards at the $10 level for Patreon members. However, there is a lack of evidence provided to back up any claims made in the article, such as what kind of exclusive content is offered or how the physical survival cards will benefit viewers. Additionally, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with becoming a Patreon member or using the physical survival cards. Furthermore, while Brad and Kelley thank their Patreon members for making their outreach possible, there is no mention of any other sources that have contributed to this effort or how they have been involved in the process. Finally, there is a lack of impartiality in the article as it only presents one side of the story without exploring any counterarguments or presenting both sides equally.