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Article summary:

1. Horizon Controls Group can help define a digital strategy and drive better efficiency, increase quality of production and realize higher value outcomes.

2. They offer services in digital transformation, data analytics, machine learning and cybersecurity.

3. Their managed services plan is tailored to fit the specific needs and budget of each site.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable as it provides detailed information about the services offered by Horizon Controls Group, such as digital transformation, data analytics, machine learning and cybersecurity. The article also mentions that their managed services plan is tailored to fit the specific needs and budget of each site. However, there are no sources cited for any of the claims made in the article which could lead to doubts about its accuracy or reliability. Additionally, there is no mention of potential risks associated with using Horizon Controls Group's services which could be seen as a lack of transparency on their part. Furthermore, there is no discussion of any possible counterarguments or alternative solutions which could be seen as one-sided reporting. Finally, some parts of the article appear to be promotional in nature which could lead readers to question its impartiality.