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Article summary:

1. The High Court of Kenya upheld the ban imposed by the Kenya Film Classification Board on filmmaker Wanuri Kahiu's film 'Rafiki', which covered issues related to homosexuality prohibited in Kenya.

2. Kahiu sought a conservatory order to lift the ban temporarily in order to submit the film for consideration by the Oscar Selection Committee, but the final determination upheld the ban citing protection of Kenyan public's moral values.

3. The case involved a debate on whether the decision to ban the film and the legislation empowering the Board were a justifiable limitation of Kahiu's right to freedom of expression, with arguments made based on constitutional provisions and international human rights treaties.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed analysis of the case Kahiu v. Mutua, where filmmaker Wanuri Kahiu's film 'Rafiki' was banned by the Kenya Film Classification Board due to its depiction of homosexuality, which is prohibited in Kenya. The article outlines the facts of the case, including Kahiu's attempts to challenge the ban in court and seek a conservatory order to allow the film to be considered for entry into the Oscars.

One potential bias in the article is that it primarily focuses on Kahiu's arguments and perspective, presenting her as a victim of censorship and infringement on her freedom of expression. While it does mention the arguments put forward by the Board and Attorney General, it does not delve deeply into their reasoning or provide a balanced view of both sides of the case. This one-sided reporting could lead readers to sympathize more with Kahiu without fully considering the legal and cultural context in which the ban was imposed.

Additionally, there are unsupported claims made throughout the article, such as when Kahiu argues that banning the film was not necessary or proportionate. The article does not provide concrete evidence or legal analysis to support this claim, leaving it open to interpretation. Similarly, when discussing international treaties and conventions protecting freedom of expression, more specific details or examples could have been provided to strengthen this argument.

Furthermore, there are missing points of consideration in the article regarding potential risks associated with allowing the film to be shown in Kenya. While it briefly mentions concerns about protecting children from harmful content, there is little discussion about how showing a film depicting homosexuality could impact societal norms or values in a country where it is prohibited by law. A more thorough exploration of these considerations would have provided a more comprehensive analysis of the case.

Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into an important freedom of expression case in Kenya, it could benefit from a more balanced presentation of both sides of the argument, supported claims with evidence and legal analysis, and a deeper exploration of potential risks and consequences associated with lifting the ban on 'Rafiki'.