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Article summary:

1. MXenes are a family of 2D transitional metal carbides and/or nitrides with unique structures that make them attractive for energy storage and conversion applications.

2. Constructing 2D MXene nanosheets into 3D architectures can reduce restacking, providing larger specific surface area, higher porosity, and shorter ion and mass transport distance over normal 1D and 2D structures.

3. The review summarizes commonly used strategies for manufacturing 3D MXene architectures and their applications in electrochemical energy storage and conversion, including supercapacitors, rechargeable batteries, and electrocatalysis. Future opportunities and challenges for 3D MXene architectures/devices are also discussed.

Article analysis:

该文章是一篇综述性质的论文,主要介绍了2D过渡金属碳化物和/或氮化物(MXenes)在能量存储和转换方面的应用,并重点讨论了构建3D MXene结构的策略及其在电化学能量存储和转换中的应用。然而,该文章存在以下几个问题:

1. 偏袒MXenes


2. 缺乏对潜在风险的考虑


3. 片面报道

该文章只介绍了3D MXene结构在电化学能量存储和转换方面的应用,并未涵盖其他领域。例如,在传感器、催化剂等领域中也存在着广泛的应用。

4. 未探索反驳


5. 宣传内容


总之,尽管该文章提供了有关3D MXene结构在电化学能量存储和转换方面应用的有价值信息,但其存在上述问题需要进一步解决。