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Article summary:

1. Inland waters in East Siberian Arctic are important pathways for the export of terrestrial carbon (C) stored in permafrost landscapes, which is vulnerable to release due to permafrost thaw driven by rising Arctic air temperatures.

2. These inland waters receive contemporary carbon from biological turnover within seasonally thawed topsoils, as well as old and ancient carbon released from thawing permafrost soils.

3. The release of pre-aged permafrost carbon into inland waters remains unclear as a driver of landscape-scale carbon emissions compared to contemporary carbon turnover.

Article analysis:



1. 偏见来源:文章是否有任何明显偏袒某种观点或利益相关方?作者是否有特定背景或立场可能导致偏见?

2. 数据来源:文章引用了一些数据和研究结果,但没有提供具体引用文献。这使得读者难以验证这些数据和结果,并且无法了解其可靠性和准确性。

3. 方法论:文章提到使用同位素混合模型来确定陆地水体排放中碳贡献物质的年龄。然而,没有详细说明该模型如何工作以及其局限性。是否有其他方法可以用来验证这些结果?

4. 考虑因素:文章是否充分考虑了所有相关因素和变量,如气候变化、土壤特性、水体特性等?是否有其他可能影响碳排放的因素被忽略了?

5. 结论支持:文章是否提供了足够的证据和数据来支持其结论?是否有其他研究结果或观点与之相矛盾?
