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Article summary:

1. Erdos Coal Field is facing various problems during deep mining, such as rock bursts, frequent occurrences of mining earthquakes, lowering of groundwater levels, and serious surface salinization.

2. Common strata movement control techniques include techniques centred on the filling body and coal-rock pillars.

3. Research on strata movement control techniques centred on coal-rock pillars mainly focuses on the stability of coal pillars and coal pillar-overlying strata collaborative deformation, while research on strata movement control techniques centred on the filling body mainly focuses on compressive deformation of the filling body and composite support, as well as strata movement during filling mining and relevant control.

Article analysis:


1. 偏重理论分析而缺乏实证数据


2. 忽略环境影响


3. 缺乏平衡报道


4. 存在偏见


5. 缺乏实际应用

