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Article summary:

1. L2 motivation is important for second language learning, and the L2 Motivational Self System framework offers valuable insights into L2 motivation.

2. This study aimed to explore L2 motivation among Chinese high-school students from the Self System perspective, using a mixed methods approach of questionnaire and semi-structured interview.

3. The results showed that the Ideal L2 Self cannot be interpreted as integrativeness in Chinese educational contexts, and language learning experience had the highest correlation with learners' motivation, followed by the Ideal L2 Self and the Ought-to L2 Self. Practical implications for English teaching are discussed.

Article analysis:



其次,在理论框架方面,该研究采用了Dörnyei提出的L2 Motivational Self System。然而,该框架是否适用于中国高中生仍需进一步探讨。此外,在实际应用中,该框架是否能够帮助教师更好地促进学生的英语学习动机也需要进一步验证。


