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Article summary:

1. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is a new computing paradigm that provides considerable computation resources at the network edge to mobile users.

2. This paper proposes a novel online privacy-preserving computation offloading mechanism, called OffloadingGuard, to generate efficient offloading strategies for users in real time, which provide strict user privacy guarantee while minimizing the total cost of task computation.

3. OffloadingGuard is proved to satisfy ϵ-differential privacy and extensive experiments demonstrate its effectiveness.

Article analysis:

The article “Towards Online Privacy-preserving Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing” is an IEEE Conference Publication from IEEE Xplore and provides a detailed overview of the potential risks associated with computation offloading in MEC systems and how these risks can be mitigated through the use of a novel online privacy-preserving computation offloading mechanism called OffloadingGuard. The article is well written and provides a comprehensive overview of the topic, including an introduction to related works, system model, problem formulation, proposed solution, theoretical analysis and experimental results.

The trustworthiness and reliability of this article are high as it has been published by IEEE Xplore and has been peer reviewed by experts in the field. The authors have provided evidence for their claims through theoretical analysis and experimental results which demonstrate the effectiveness of their proposed solution. Furthermore, they have also provided references to related works which further adds credibility to their claims.

The only potential bias that could be identified in this article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative solutions to the problem being addressed. However, given that this is a research paper focused on presenting a novel solution to a specific problem, this bias can be overlooked as it does not significantly affect the overall quality or trustworthiness of the article.

In conclusion, this article can be considered trustworthy and reliable due to its publication by IEEE Xplore and its comprehensive coverage of the topic with evidence for its claims provided through theoretical analysis and experimental results.