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Article summary:

1. This article explores the concept of Customer Experience and how to create the right environment and setting for it in order to contribute to value creation for customers and companies.

2. The paper draws from the results of a survey submitted to several groups of customers, attempting to understand the specific role of different experiential features in the success achieved by some well-known products.

3. An interpretative model is suggested to support marketing managers in generating the proper stimuli to activate the various components of the Customer Experience.

Article analysis:

The article “How to Sustain the Customer Experience:: An Overview of Experience Components that Co-create Value With the Customer” is a comprehensive overview of customer experience and its importance in determining a company’s success. The authors provide an extensive literature review on experiential marketing, as well as a research methodology and results from a survey conducted with several groups of customers. Furthermore, they suggest an interpretative model which could be used by marketing managers in order to generate appropriate stimuli for activating customer experience components.

The article appears reliable and trustworthy overall, as it provides evidence for its claims through empirical research and literature review. It also presents both sides equally, noting potential risks associated with customer experience management such as overstimulation or understimulation of customers. Additionally, there are no promotional content or partiality present in this article, making it an unbiased source of information on customer experience management.

However, there are some points that could be further explored or discussed more thoroughly in this article such as potential differences between customer experiences across different industries or countries, or how customer experience can be measured accurately in order to assess its impact on business performance. Additionally, while this article provides an overview on customer experience management strategies, it does not provide any concrete advice on how these strategies should be implemented in practice which could have been beneficial for readers looking for practical guidance on this topic.