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Article summary:

1. Industrial symbiosis (IS) is a collective approach to reduce environmental impacts and gain economic benefits in energy-intensive industrial parks.

2. A life cycle assessment was conducted to evaluate the reduction of potential environmental impacts through eight categories, including primary energy, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, particulate matter (PM), human toxicity, respiratory inorganics, and ozone formation potential.

3. The results show that effective impact reductions can be attained via thirteen symbiosis links with 958 million RMB saved, accounting for 5.5% of the total value added of the park in 2017.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the life cycle assessment of reduction of environmental impacts via industrial symbiosis in an energy-intensive industrial park in China. The article is well written and provides detailed information on the methodology used for the assessment as well as its results. However, there are some points that could be improved upon to make it more reliable and trustworthy.

First, there is no discussion on possible risks associated with IS implementation such as increased costs or disruption to existing operations due to changes in infrastructure or processes. This should have been discussed as it would provide a more balanced view on the topic and help readers understand both sides of the argument better.

Second, while the article does mention economic gains from IS implementation, it does not provide any evidence or data to support this claim which makes it difficult to assess its accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, there is no discussion on how these economic gains were calculated or what factors were taken into consideration when making this assessment which further reduces its credibility.

Thirdly, while the article mentions that thirteen IS links were evaluated for their environmental impact reduction potentials using life cycle assessment methodologies, it does not provide any details on how these links were chosen or why they were considered important enough to be included in the analysis which makes it difficult to assess their relevance and accuracy.

Finally, while the article does mention that government should speed up promotion of IS as a feasible approach for eco-efficient development in industrial parks, there is no discussion on how this could be achieved or what measures should be taken by governments to ensure successful implementation of IS initiatives which reduces its credibility and trustworthiness even further.

In conclusion, while this article provides an overview of life cycle assessment of reduction of environmental impacts via industrial symbiosis in an energy-intensive industrial park in China and presents some interesting findings regarding its potential benefits for reducing environmental impacts and gaining economic gains; however due to lack of evidence supporting its claims as well as missing points regarding possible risks associated with IS implementation and lack of details regarding methodology used for evaluation; this article cannot be considered completely reliable or trustworthy without further investigation into these issues.