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Article summary:

1. This article discusses the potential of dietary fibers to promote gut bacteria that can alleviate type 2 diabetes.

2. The article cites 1,137 references from all databases and is considered a highly cited paper.

3. It provides detailed information on the authors, their addresses, and other related topics such as macro-level citations, meso-level citations, micro-level citations, MeSH topics, registered numbers, materials used in the study, and more.

Article analysis:

This article appears to be reliable and trustworthy due to its extensive citation of 1,137 references from all databases and its status as a highly cited paper. The authors are also clearly identified with their addresses provided for further research. Furthermore, the article provides detailed information on various topics related to the study such as macro-level citations, meso-level citations, micro-level citations, MeSH topics, registered numbers, materials used in the study and more.

However there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering this article. Firstly, it is possible that some of the references may not have been thoroughly evaluated or checked for accuracy before being included in the paper. Additionally, while the authors are identified by name and address it is unclear if they have any conflicts of interest or bias which could affect their findings or conclusions. Finally it is important to note that while this paper does provide a comprehensive overview of dietary fibers and their potential benefits for type 2 diabetes it does not explore any potential risks associated with these fibers or discuss any counterarguments which could be made against them.