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Article summary:

1. Pachama has been named on the 2023 Global Cleantech 100 for its use of remote sensing and artificial intelligence to advance a new standard of quality, transparency, and efficiency in the voluntary carbon market.

2. Pachama is using its technology to originate forest carbon projects to increase the supply of high-quality carbon credits while positively impacting communities and ecosystems.

3. The Global Cleantech 100 Program recognizes innovative companies best positioned to help build a more digitized, de-carbonized, and resource-efficient industrial future.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides accurate information about Pachama’s inclusion in the 2023 Global Cleantech 100 list and their mission to restore nature to solve climate change. It also provides detailed information about how Pachama is using its technology to originate forest carbon projects and increase the supply of high-quality carbon credits while positively impacting communities and ecosystems. The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided as it presents both sides equally by providing an overview of the Global Cleantech 100 Program which recognizes innovative companies best positioned to help build a more digitized, de-carbonized, and resource-efficient industrial future. Furthermore, there are no unsupported claims or missing points of consideration in the article as all claims are supported with evidence from reliable sources such as Cleantech Group’s expert panel, i3 research portal, awards, etc. Additionally, there is no promotional content or partiality present in the article as it focuses solely on providing factual information about Pachama’s inclusion in the 2023 Global Cleantech 100 list without any attempts at promoting their services or products. Lastly, possible risks are noted throughout the article as it mentions that there aren’t enough forest restoration and conservation projects available at this time which could potentially hinder efforts to reach global net zero emissions.