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iugr sheep - Search Results - PubMed
Source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Appears moderately imbalanced

Article summary:

1. The article is about a search for iugr sheep on PubMed, a database of scientific articles.

2. The search results show the number of articles related to iugr sheep per year, starting from 1972.

3. The number of search results per year varies, with some years having only 1 or 2 articles and others having more than 20.

Article analysis:

根据提供的信息,这篇文章是关于iugr sheep的搜索结果。然而,由于只提供了搜索结果的年份和数量,并没有给出具体的文章内容或摘要,因此无法对其进行详细的批判性分析。


