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Article summary:

1. There is an urgent need to review the established design practice and incorporate climate change impacts into the actual design of urban drainage systems.

2. A risk-based analysis is the most complete approach for assessing increased flood risk driven by climate change and quantifying the net benefits of adapting to such changes.

3. This paper presents a framework for quantifying climate change pluvial flood risk increases and for assessing adaptation costs, which can be used as a decision support tool in relation to urban drainage.

Article analysis:

The article “Framework for economic pluvial flood risk assessment considering climate change effects and adaptation benefits” provides an overview of how to assess increased flood risk caused by climate change and quantify the net benefits of adapting to such changes. The article is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand the main points presented. The authors provide evidence from various sources to back up their claims, including studies from engineers and economists, as well as European Commission documents.

The article does not present any counterarguments or explore any potential risks associated with implementing adaptation strategies, which could be seen as a limitation of the article. Additionally, there is no discussion on how different stakeholders may view these strategies differently or how they may be impacted by them in different ways. Furthermore, while the authors do mention that technological advancements allow more detailed assessments of flood risks in cities, they do not provide any examples or further information on this topic.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of how to assess increased flood risk caused by climate change and quantify the net benefits of adapting to such changes. While it does provide evidence from various sources to back up its claims, it does not explore any potential risks associated with implementing adaptation strategies nor does it discuss how different stakeholders may view these strategies differently or be impacted by them in different ways.