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Article summary:

1. Leadership is critical to the performance of modern universities, and university management requires not only the president's overall leadership ability but also the coordination of the entire university top management team.

2. Chinese universities' internal governance adopts the "president responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee," which is led by the party secretary, and university leaders are usually appointed directly by the government.

3. Different university leaders may have different definitions of ideal leadership, and their perception of an ideal university leadership cannot be objective but rather it is their subjective understanding and definition of leadership that deserves further study.

Article analysis:

The article "Morality and ability: institutional leaders’ perceptions of ideal leadership in Chinese research universities" provides an overview of the importance of leadership in modern universities, particularly in Chinese research universities. The article highlights the shift from traditional collegial models to entrepreneurial and bureaucratic models, which has increased the complexity and instability of university environments. The article also notes that university leaders in China are appointed directly by the government, and their power and autonomy are much less than those of Western university leaders.

While the article provides a useful overview of the topic, it has several potential biases and limitations. Firstly, the article focuses solely on Chinese research universities, which limits its generalizability to other types of universities or higher education systems. Secondly, the article does not provide a balanced view of the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese research universities. While it acknowledges that these universities have made great achievements under the "985 Project," it does not explore any potential drawbacks or criticisms of this initiative.

Additionally, while the article notes that different university leaders may have different definitions of ideal leadership, it does not explore any potential conflicts or tensions between these definitions. It also does not provide any evidence for its claims about university leaders' perceptions of ideal leadership or their actual management practices.

Overall, while this article provides some useful insights into leadership in Chinese research universities, it is limited by its narrow focus and lack of balance in its reporting. Future research could explore a broader range of higher education systems and provide a more nuanced understanding of leadership in these contexts.