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Article summary:

1. Phenomenology is a philosophical movement that studies the structural features of experience and things as experienced, primarily through descriptive analysis.

2. The phenomenological method involves reduction, which involves suspending assumptions and preconceptions to focus on the essential features of experience or phenomena.

3. Topics discussed within phenomenology include intentionality, perception, self-consciousness, awareness of the body and consciousness of others, and time-consciousness. Key figures in the phenomenological movement include Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida.

Article analysis:



其次,在介绍现象学的历史时,文章强调了 Husserl 和 Heidegger 的贡献,但未提及其他重要的现象学家,如 Max Scheler、Edith Stein 和 Eugen Fink 等人。这可能导致读者对现象学运动的整体性质和多样性产生误解。


