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Article summary:

1. Virtual reality-based cognitive behavioural therapy (VR-CBT) shows promise as a treatment for generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD). Traditional in vivo exposure therapy has limitations, such as high avoidance thresholds and difficulty finding appropriate situations for exposure. VR environments can be personalized to fit the specific triggers of each patient and allow for repeated practice of social behavior with direct feedback from therapists.

2. Previous studies have shown mixed results regarding the effectiveness of VR-CBT compared to traditional therapies for SAD. One study found that VR exposure therapy was effective in reducing social anxiety and stress, but not as effective as in vivo exposure therapy. Another study found that VR-CBT was more effective than traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy with in vivo exposure.

3. A pilot study tested the feasibility and potential effects of a novel VR-CBT intervention in patients with generalized SAD. The intervention included virtual environments such as streets, buses, cafes, and supermarkets, which could be manipulated by therapists to adjust factors like crowdedness, ethnicity, gender, and hostile behaviors. The treatment manual was adapted from existing cognitive-behavioral therapy protocols, with all exposures and behavioral experiments conducted within the virtual reality environment.

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