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Article summary:

1. Zhang Guangzhi is an outstanding archaeologist and anthropologist who has made significant contributions to the study of mythology.

2. His research on mythology mainly focuses on three aspects: the main function of Shang-Zhou mythology in constructing political power, the division of Chinese mythology into natural, divine, disaster relief, and ancestor hero myths, and the evolution of Shang-Zhou mythology in relation to its political context.

3. Although his theories have been questioned to some extent, they have had a wide and profound influence on mythological research both at home and abroad.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a comprehensive overview of Zhang Guangzhi's research on mythology with clear evidence from his works. The article also provides detailed information about his theories regarding the main function of Shang-Zhou mythology in constructing political power, the division of Chinese mythology into various categories, and its evolution in relation to its political context. Furthermore, it cites relevant sources such as books written by Zhang Guangzhi himself as well as other scholars' works which further strengthens its credibility.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when reading this article. For example, while it does mention that Zhang Guangzhi's theories have been questioned to some extent, it does not provide any details or examples of these criticisms which could give readers a more balanced view of his work. Additionally, while the article does provide a comprehensive overview of Zhang Guangzhi's research on mythology, it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives which could provide readers with a more nuanced understanding of this topic.