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Article summary:

1. The article provides information about a format selector for arXiv:2301.04470v1

2. The source is delivered as a gzipped tar (.tar.gz) file, PDF file, or a gzipped TeX, DVI, PostScript or HTML (.gz, .dvi.gz, .ps.gz or .html.gz) file

3. Users can configure their default format using cookies if their browser supports it

Article analysis:

The article is reliable in terms of providing information about the format selector for arXiv:2301.04470v1 and the source files available for download. However, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with downloading these files or configuring the default format using cookies. Additionally, there is no discussion of any potential biases in the content provided by the article or any unsupported claims made by it. Furthermore, there is no exploration of counterarguments to the points made in the article and no evidence provided to support its claims. As such, this article lacks impartiality and does not present both sides equally which could lead to an incomplete understanding of the topic at hand.