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Article summary:

1. The concept of the caliphate holds deep significance in the Islamic tradition and many Muslim minds, contrasting with the negative image associated with ISIS.

2. The idea of a pan-Islamic union and the return of the caliphate is gaining traction among Muslims globally, especially as neoliberal economics and global environmental collapse worsen.

3. The feasibility and desirability of establishing a caliphate should be evaluated based on scripture, Islamic jurisprudence, history, and politics, taking into account pressing challenges facing Muslims today.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Who Wants the Caliphate?" published by the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research discusses the concept of the caliphate and its significance in the Islamic tradition. While the article provides some interesting insights, there are several areas where it exhibits potential biases, one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, missing points of consideration, and unexplored counterarguments.

One potential bias in the article is its positive portrayal of the caliphate as a solution to the problems faced by Muslims globally. The author argues that a just and accountable caliphate could prevent further degradation of Muslim societies into terrorist fiefdoms. However, this claim lacks evidence and ignores other potential solutions to address these issues.

The article also presents a one-sided view by focusing primarily on the positive aspects of the caliphate while downplaying its historical imperfections. It fails to acknowledge that past caliphates were not always just or unified, which raises questions about whether a modern-day caliphate would be any different.

Furthermore, the article makes unsupported claims about the desirability and feasibility of establishing a caliphate. While it mentions some scholars who consider it an obligation regardless of its efficacy, it does not provide sufficient evidence or arguments to support this viewpoint. Additionally, it overlooks alternative perspectives that question the desirability and religious necessity of a caliphate.

The article also lacks exploration of counterarguments against establishing a caliphate. It does not address concerns about potential authoritarianism or lack of representation in such a system. By failing to present opposing viewpoints, the article appears biased and promotional rather than providing a balanced analysis.

Moreover, there are missing points of consideration in the article. It does not discuss how non-Muslim citizens within Muslim-majority countries would be affected by a pan-Islamic union or how regional neighbors might respond to such an initiative. These factors are crucial in evaluating the feasibility and desirability of a caliphate but are overlooked in the article.

Additionally, the article does not provide sufficient evidence or examples to support its claims about the increasing appeal of the caliphate among Muslims worldwide. While it mentions a New York Times article that suggests a broad mainstream embrace of a collective Muslim identity, it does not provide any data or research to substantiate this claim.

Overall, the article exhibits potential biases and shortcomings in its analysis of the caliphate. It presents a one-sided view, makes unsupported claims, overlooks counterarguments, and lacks evidence for its assertions. A more balanced and comprehensive analysis would have provided a more nuanced understanding of the topic.