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Article summary:

1. Tracer diffusion of 89Zr was measured in single phase (BCC solid solution) HfTiZrNbTa and HfTiZrNbV refractory high entropy alloys in the temperature range of 1123 to 1423 K.

2. Diffusion rates were found to be enhanced with respect to the geometric mean of the diffusivities in the corresponding pure elements, indicating a ‘non-sluggish’ diffusion behavior.

3. Factors influencing self-diffusion in BCC multi-principal element alloys are discussed, including chemical complexity, atomic size mismatch and phonon broadening.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information about the experiment conducted, results obtained, and discussion of factors influencing self-diffusion in BCC multi-principal element alloys. The article also includes references to other relevant studies which adds credibility to its claims. However, there is no mention of potential risks associated with using radioactive isotope 89Zr for tracer diffusion experiments or any counterarguments that could challenge the findings presented in this article. Additionally, there is no exploration of alternative explanations for the observed ‘non-sluggish’ diffusion behavior which could have added further depth to the discussion.