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Article summary:

1. Stelco, a Canadian steel producer, is seeking more support from the federal government as they face challenges due to U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum exports.

2. Stelco reported strong financial performance in the last quarter of 2018 despite the tariffs, but now faces potential lifting of Canadian import restrictions on some steel products.

3. Stelco's president and executive chairman met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discuss the changing landscape and seek help in preserving jobs in Canada's steel industry. Trudeau assured his government's focus on supporting the industry and working towards lifting the punitive tariffs.

Article analysis:

这篇文章主要报道了加拿大钢铁生产商Stelco寻求联邦政府的更多支持,因为该国的钢铁和铝制品生产商正面临美国对其产品征收的惩罚性关税。文章提到,尽管特朗普政府去年6月对从加拿大进口的钢铁征收了25%的关税,但Stelco在去年最后一个季度报告了收入和营业额的激增。然而,加拿大国际贸易法庭(CITT)上周发布了一份报告,可能会取消对某些钢铁产品的进口限制。此外,文章还提到加拿大财政部长比尔·莫尔诺(Bill Morneau)发布了紧急进口限制措施,并表示它们对加拿大钢铁行业构成严重威胁。

