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Article summary:

1. Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky has discovered new variants of the point-of-sale (PoS) malware Prilex that can block contactless near-field communication (NFC) transactions.

2. The Prilex malware is able to capture credit card details from unsuspecting shoppers, even those with CHIP and PIN technology.

3. To stay safe from the Prilex malware, shoppers should be extra careful when they see a “contactless error” after trying to use their credit card to tap to pay, and consider using mobile wallets instead of physical cards.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting of the new variants of the PoS malware Prilex that can block contactless NFC transactions and steal credit card details from unsuspecting shoppers. It provides detailed information on how the malware works, as well as tips for staying safe from it. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, it does not mention any potential risks associated with using mobile wallets instead of physical cards, nor does it explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally. Additionally, there is some promotional content in the article as it mentions Aura's identity theft protection service without providing any evidence for its claims or exploring other options available on the market. All in all, while this article provides useful information about Prilex and how to protect oneself against it, readers should take into account potential biases before relying solely on its advice.