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1. Bamboo expansion leads to an increase in soil pH: The meta-analysis conducted in this study found that soil pH increased by 6.99% (0-20 cm) and 4.49% (20-40 cm) after bamboo expansion. This increase was more pronounced in coniferous forests compared to broadleaf forests.

2. Bamboo expansion alters soil nutrient levels: The study found that bamboo expansion resulted in a reduction in total nitrogen (TN) by 14.14%. Different stages of bamboo expansion also led to TN reductions of 6.88% and 7.99% for mixed forests and bamboo stands, respectively, compared to native forests. Additionally, pure bamboo stands showed a significant increase in ammonium nitrogen and a decrease in nitrate nitrogen compared to native counterparts.

3. Bamboo expansion enhances soil fungal diversity: The research revealed that bamboo expansion contributed to heightened soil fungal diversity. This finding suggests that the expansion of moso bamboo can have implications for the microbial communities present in the soil.

Overall, this study highlights the complex effects of bamboo expansion on soil pH, nutrient levels, and microbial communities, providing valuable insights for ecological conservation and resource management efforts.

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