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Article summary:

1. The performance of a direct ammonia fuel cell (DAFC) with PtIr/C, PtRu/C, and Pt/C anode electrocatalysts was evaluated at 25°C and 100 kPa inlet gas pressure.

2. The DAFC with PtIr/C anode achieved the highest open-circuit voltage (OCV) of 0.50 V and peak power density (PPD) of maximum 1.68 mW cm−2.

3. An online Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer detected an increase in ammonia permeation in the cathode exhaust gas, indicating a possibility of fuel permeation and cathode electrocatalyst degradation.

Article analysis:

This article provides a detailed overview of the performance of a direct ammonia fuel cell (DAFC) with PtIr/C, PtRu/C, and Pt/C anode electrocatalysts under mild conditions. The article is well-written and provides clear explanations for the results obtained from the experiments conducted. The authors have provided sufficient evidence to support their claims and conclusions, including data from FTIR spectrometer measurements that indicate possible fuel permeation and cathode electrocatalyst degradation due to ammonia cross-over and poisoning over the surface of the electrocatalyst.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting as it presents both sides equally by providing evidence for both positive and negative outcomes from the experiments conducted. Furthermore, all potential risks are noted throughout the article, such as fuel permeation leading to decreased efficiency due to poisoning of the cathode electrocatalyst.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy as it provides sufficient evidence to support its claims while also noting potential risks associated with using direct ammonia fuel cells under mild conditions.