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Article summary:

1. Smart contracts are prone to vulnerabilities, which can lead to severe consequences such as massive token and coin losses.

2. ExGen is a cross-platform framework that generates multiple transactions as exploits for vulnerable smart contracts by translating them to an intermediate representation, generating symbolic attack contracts with transactions in a partial order, and concretizing all the symbols to verify exploitability on a private chain.

3. ExGen successfully exploits 89.9% of Ethereum and 96.9% of EOS vulnerabilities, including 24 zero-day vulnerable contracts on EOS, and generates exploits for vulnerabilities that require multiple transactions using Partially-ordered Transactional Set (PTS).

Article analysis:


1. 偏袒:该文章只介绍了ExGen的优点和成功率,并没有探讨其可能存在的风险和局限性。例如,如果黑客使用类似的工具来攻击智能合约,会对区块链安全造成什么影响?是否有必要加强监管和审计?

2. 片面报道:该文章只提到了静态分析和符号执行等方法来检测漏洞,并没有探讨其他方法如动态分析、模糊测试等在智能合约安全中的应用。

3. 缺失考虑点:该文章没有考虑到智能合约漏洞利用可能会导致用户资产损失、信任危机等问题。同时,也没有探讨如何解决这些问题。

4. 宣传内容:该文章过于宣传ExGen的成功率和优势,并未提供足够证据支持其主张。同时,也没有探讨其他类似工具与ExGen之间的差异和优劣。

5. 未探索反驳:该文章并未探讨其他学者对于智能合约漏洞利用的研究成果和观点,缺乏对于该领域的全面了解。
