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Article summary:

1. Braj Kachru's model of Inner, Outer, and Expanding circles for English worldwide has helped to recognize the value of denigrated varieties and alter perceptions of their communicative potential and prestige.

2. However, the model is limited by its political/historical view and ignores variation within locales where there is a significant gap between those who know English and those who do not.

3. To improve the model, it should shift focus from nation-states to English-speaking communities wherever they are found and recognize fundamental differences across contexts for English worldwide to arrive at descriptively adequate sociolinguistics and socially relevant language policies.

Article analysis:

该文章主要批判了Braj Kachru提出的Inner, Outer, and Expanding circles模型在描述英语全球化时存在的问题。作者认为该模型基于政治/历史视角,无法涵盖英语在非殖民地历史上的传播情况。此外,该模型忽略了地区内部的变异性,特别是在那些英语使用者和非使用者之间差距巨大的地方。总体而言,该模型鼓励对所有三个圈子中英语表现形式进行粗略描述,这些描述在社会语言学分析中不成立。

