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Article summary:

1. AIMS (Allele-specific Indel Mapping) is a method for detecting and characterizing CRISPR-Cas9-induced indels in cells, which can distinguish between different types of indels and verify sgRNAs through changes in fluorescence localization.

2. The current plasmid-based CRISPR-Cas9 system induces bi-allelic DNA cleavage when appropriate sgRNAs are designed and sgRNA-Cas9-introduced cells are sufficiently selected, but allelic selection is stochastic and highly dynamic, leading to frequent mosaicism.

3. The addition of cytosine extensions to single-guide RNAs can optimize Cas9 activity, resulting in increased efficiency and specificity of genome editing.

Article analysis:

很遗憾,这篇文章的内容与标题并不匹配,因为它并没有涉及到优化Cas9活性的方法。相反,它介绍了一种新的CRISPR-Cas9工具——AIMS(allele-specific imaging of mutations),该工具可以用于检测单个细胞中基因组中的突变,并区分不同类型的突变。


