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Article summary:

1. LncKdm2b is a long non-coding RNA that is expressed during early differentiation of cortical projection neurons. It is transcribed from a bidirectional promoter of Kdm2b and positively regulates Kdm2b's transcription in cis.

2. LncKdm2b facilitates a permissive chromatin environment at the Kdm2b's promoter by associating with hnRNPAB, which is crucial for proper differentiation and migration of cortical projection neurons.

3. This study reveals a lncRNA-dependent machinery in regulating cortical neuronal differentiation, providing insights into the mechanisms underlying spatial and temporal control of cortical neurogenesis.

Article analysis:

这篇文章的标题是"Long non-coding RNA LncKdm2b regulates cortical neuronal differentiation by cis-activating Kdm2b",它探讨了一个名为LncKdm2b的长非编码RNA在皮层神经元分化中的调节作用。文章提到LncKdm2b通过与hnRNPAB结合,在Kdm2b启动子上形成一个有利的染色质环境,从而正向调控Kdm2b的转录。研究发现LncKdm2b和Kdm2b在皮层投射神经元的适当分化和迁移中起着关键作用。




