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Article summary:

1. GPT-4 is a multimodal model that can generate response text for graphic and text multimodal input, as well as classify, analyze and extract hidden semantics for visual elements.

2. Emergent abilities are the key characteristic of large language models, allowing them to automatically learn and discover higher-level features and patterns from training data without human intervention.

3. The thinking chain is another core competency emerging from big language models, allowing them to prompt language models with a series of intermediate natural language reasoning steps, improving their performance on reasoning tasks.

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最后,虽然作者自称为AI/storage-computing integration expert并曾担任华为自然语言处理公司首席科学家,但他并未提供足够证据证明自己的专业资质和研究成果。这可能会影响读者对文章内容的信任度。
