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Article summary:

1. Ethnolinguistic Vitality (EV) theory has gained prominence in the 21st century due to the impact of globalization on ethnic and linguistic communities, leading to both low and high vitality groups.

2. The EV theory proposes that status, demography, institutional support, and control factors combine to make up the vitality of ethnolinguistic groups, with subjective vitality perceptions also playing a role.

3. EV perceptions of one generation can influence language behavior in succeeding generations, and integrative versus segregative attitudes are determined by relative ethnolinguistic vitalities of majority vs. minority language groups.

Article analysis:

该文章提出了“Ethnolinguistic Vitality”(EV)理论,并探讨了其与语言维护、转移和丧失的相关性。然而,该文章存在一些偏见和不足之处。




