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Article summary:

1. Camera trapping is a popular method of non-invasively collecting information on wildlife.

2. Several methods have been developed to estimate animal size or distance from camera trap images, but few are standardized.

3. The pinhole camera model was used to estimate the physical size of objects at known distances or distances to objects of known size using pixel measurements taken directly from an image.

Article analysis:

The article Estimating Animal Size or Distance in Camera Trap Images: Photogrammetry Using the Pinhole Camera Model by Leorna (2022) is a reliable and trustworthy source of information on the use of photogrammetry for estimating animal size or distance in camera trap images. The article provides a comprehensive overview of existing methods for estimating animal size or distance from camera trap images, as well as an in-depth description of the pinhole camera model and its potential applications. The author also provides evidence to support their claims, such as citing relevant studies and providing examples of how the pinhole camera model can be used to answer novel ecological questions.

The article does not appear to contain any biases or one-sided reporting, as it presents both sides equally and objectively. Additionally, all claims made are supported with evidence and there are no unsupported claims present in the text. Furthermore, all possible risks associated with using this method are noted throughout the article, ensuring that readers are aware of any potential issues that may arise when using this technique.

In conclusion, this article is a reliable source of information on photogrammetry for estimating animal size or distance in camera trap images and can be trusted by readers seeking further information on this topic.